custom web discord telegram minecraft accounts libraries opensource


Discord Accounts

Discord Accounts


Get email verified accounts. We include tokens, usernames and passwords. Perfect for raiding and advertising on multiple Discord servers. All of them have random usernames with profile pictures.

Discord Custom Bot

Discord Custom Bot


We will code you a customized Discord bot or self-bot. We use JavaScript (Discord.js), Python ( or Rust (Serenity) depending on your needs.

Web Development

Web Development


Powerful, responsive, beautiful, accessible, fast, secure, powerful web applications. With our skills, experience and expertise, we develop your web app to be best suited for your business.

Telegram Custom Bot

Telegram Custom Bot


We will code you a customized Telegram bot. We use JavaScript (node.js).

2bored2wait (TS)

2bored2wait (TS)


An easy way to wait out long 2B2T server queues without having to login to the server.